The True REST Float Family
The iconic saying “when you’re here, you’re family” may not be Olive Garden’s slogan anymore, but it should be the motto for all of our spa locations. There’s just something special about walking into a True REST and the feeling that you get from the staff and everyone who is there to float. It’s that sense of communal energy that’s been cultivated and we’ve got YOU, our Float Family, to thank for that.
Let’s set the scene. You arrive to a friendly welcome from the float consultant who shows you around. There’s two other people here for the 4:00 pm slot and you all wait together in the video room before the appointments start. No one talks. The consultant brings you back to your rooms and gives you the rundown on all you need to know. The float is great but right as you start to relax, the music comes on and it’s over. You finish getting ready and then come out to sip on some hot herbal tea in the community lounge. The other two people are there having tea as well. Conversation sparks and you learn that one of the people has a spinal injury and that floating helps to reduce his pain without the use of any prescription medications. You learn the other person is an expecting mother and just had a profound experience connecting her heart beat with her babies. In the 7
5 minutes you’ve been here so far, you’ve successfully made authentic, heartfelt connections with complete strangers about your own life experiences and what brought you to try this new form of therapy. Where else can we do that?
In my family, it was understood that you don’t talk about your pain or problems to strangers. I believe though that authentic connection is what we’re lacking in today’s society and it’s what we need now more than ever before. A majority of us sit at desks all day and are glued to screens; we’ve become accustomed to distracting ourselves in the presence of another human instead of being open, receptive and listening to their story.
That’s the thing. In general, we don’t like to open up but that’s exactly what sets our True REST Float Family apart. We’ve created a space not only for individual healing but also for the healing within our local communities. Our spas are places where people can come to be themselves, to step away from the chaos of life and soak in peace. The global float community is radically inclusive by nature, welcomes all walks of life and truly believes in the restorative power that this technology offers to people around the world.
There is unity in this community. For that, we thank each and every one of you out there for choosing to be a part of our story and for helping to make our spas the communal sanctuaries they are today. We love and appreciate you!
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