Flotation Therapy Supports Mental Health
Unfortunately, mental health conditions affect a good portion of the population, and it manifests due to the consequences of life. Not everyone addresses these symptoms, however, which creates and prolongs mental health concerns. These can then have adverse effects in other aspects of our daily lives, be it physical health, personal and professional, or relationships we’ve built with others. Mental health isn’t to be taken lightly, especially with its spectrum of severity—it’s the most important reason why it should be addressed rather than overlooked.
But with that said, it’s also important to note that it’s much easier said than done when it comes to addressing mental health. The problems that often arise when people want help typically prevent them from getting the care they need. This includes high medical costs, lack of access, medication side effects and more. Seeking attention from a doctor is essential and, in severe cases, is the optimal treatment choice for mental health. Still, to help circumvent the accessibility hardships, holistic treatments as a go-to option before solutions like medications are notable—such is the case with floatation therapy as a solution to help reduce mental health symptoms and complement other therapies to treat patients until they recover and heal.

Conditions of mental health are not always chronic, but they can appear at various points in people’s lives. Sometimes they are debilitating, while others are seasonally affective. Common mental health conditions include depression, bipolar disorder, ADHD, OCD, PTSD and dementia. Anxiety also falls under this as it’s the most found disorder in the United States, with an estimated 40 million Americans suffering every year. Mental health issues happen due to life’s circumstances or hereditary conditions, and all deserve to be treated for a happier, healthier life.
This is where floatation therapy plays an essential role because it’s an excellent alternative total health and wellness option for individuals looking for a natural approach to their ailments. Floatation therapy shields you from external stimuli, allowing you to turn your mind entirely off and focus your energy on reaching a relaxing state. By creating body and mind support with a meditative state, your body can regulate your stress, physical pain and emotional pain. In recent studies, floating has shown to significantly reduce anxiety, depression and other mental health conditions like ADHD, stress and PTSD.
But how does floatation therapy help with mental health? It’s all about the sensory deprivation and buoyancy of the water. The calm and relaxing atmosphere combined with water mixed with Epsom salts eliminates external sources of stress. It releases gravity’s hold on the body while giving the mind time to relax fully. As we cut off stressors that flood our internal thoughts, we’re able to disengage from the processes that overwhelm us and cause us to feel stress, anxiety, and physical pain. That reduction is key to combating mental health because the alleviation that comes from continuous sessions provokes a state of relaxation by detoxification.
The great thing about floatation therapy is that it can also be a customized experience. If you suffer from anxiety or stress and think that floatation therapy is intimidating, the environment is adaptable and luxurious to fit everyone’s needs. Some people float with an open float pod door, and others spend their session with it closed. Some lights can be turned on, set with a timer, or left off. Guests can also listen to music, podcasts, or binaural beats from the specialized entertainment system.

By invoking a unique environment that promotes health and wellness, True REST believes that every float therapy session will leave you feeling better than when you came in. Floatation therapy certainly isn’t a cure-all for mental health, but added benefits strongly suggest it can play a massive role in people’s mental health recovery journey.
If you suffer from mental health symptoms and would like to give floatation therapy a try, don’t hesitate to find a location near you: www.truerest.com/locations/. We have individuals waiting to answer all your questions and provide you with the best experience yet. Learn more about floatation therapy’s benefits at www.truerest.com/float-therapy/#benefits.
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