29Jul, 2019

Calming the Monkey Mind: Mantra, Visualization and Floating

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How many of you have been in the middle of a float and found it nearly impossible to turn off the whirlwind of thoughts in your head? It’s a very common experience and I know I’m not the only one who has found myself lying there wondering, “Why can’t I turn this monkey mind off?” A racing mind can be frustrating and extremely distracting from the essence of why we come to float in the first place: to practice slowing down and relaxing into the moment. The mind is a […]

The post Calming the Monkey Mind: Mantra, Visualization and Floating appeared first on True REST Float Spa.


29Jul, 2019

Calming the Monkey Mind: Mantra, Visualization and Floating

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How many of you have been in the middle of a float and found it nearly impossible to turn off the whirlwind of thoughts in your head? It’s a very common experience and I know I’m not the only one who has found myself lying there wondering, “Why can’t I turn this monkey mind off?” A racing mind can be frustrating and extremely distracting from the essence of why we come to float in the first place: to practice slowing down and relaxing into the moment. The mind is a […]

The post Calming the Monkey Mind: Mantra, Visualization and Floating appeared first on True REST Float Spa.


8Jul, 2019

Float to Freedom: Why Consistency Matters

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By now I’m guessing we probably don’t need to convince you that floating has some serious benefits to your overall health and well being. It’s been known to help reduce pain and inflammation, decrease stress and anxiety, along with a laundry list of other things like promoting inner peace, deepening your meditation practice and helping you achieve more rest and relaxation. Maybe you book a float every once in a while as a little treat in your self-care routine and maybe you’ve started notice some of those health benefits, but […]

The post Float to Freedom: Why Consistency Matters appeared first on True REST Float Spa.